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Pairing columns and making dataframe from wide to long in r

I have this kind of dataframe :

id institution  name_a      info_a bfullname      idb
1  A            Chet Baker  666    Clifford Brown 123

I need to reshape it, keeping the id , institution and pair the columns keeping the values like this:

id institution role       name           id_name
1  A           student    Chet Baker     666
1  A           teacher    Clifford Brown 123

The role column is defined by the column name , which I have an id vector identifying like this:

value     id 
name_a    student
bfullname teacher

The problem is that I have a lot of columns with different names, I needed an way to specify which ones go along with another, or maybe a solution that I could rename the columns and do so.

I've seen a lot of reshape , dcast , melt and so on topics but still couldn't figure it out

Any ideas how to do it?

Forget reshape , use tidyr :


df <- tribble(
~id, ~institution,  ~name_a,      ~info_a, ~bfullname,      ~idb,
1,  "A",            "Chet Baker",  666,    "Clifford Brown", 123,
2,  "B",            "George Baker",  123,    "Charlie Brown", 234,
3,  "C",            "Banket Baker",  456,    "James Brown", 647,
4,  "D",            "Koeken Baker",  789,    "Golden Brown", 967

def <- tribble(~value, ~roleid, ~info,
"name_a",    "student", "info_a", 
"bfullname", "teacher", "idb")


dflong <- df %>%
  gather(key, value, -id, -institution)

dflong %>%
  filter(key %in% def$value) %>%
  rename(role = key, name = value) %>%
  inner_join(def, by = c('role' = 'value')) %>%
  left_join(dflong %>% select(- institution), by = c('id' = 'id','info' = 'key'))

Which will result in:

# A tibble: 8 x 7
id institution role      name           roleid  info   value
      <dbl> <chr>       <chr>     <chr>          <chr>   <chr>  <chr>
1     1 A           name_a    Chet Baker     student info_a 666  
2     2 B           name_a    George Baker   student info_a 123  
3     3 C           name_a    Banket Baker   student info_a 456  
4     4 D           name_a    Koeken Baker   student info_a 789  
5     1 A           bfullname Clifford Brown teacher idb    123  
6     2 B           bfullname Charlie Brown  teacher idb    234  
7     3 C           bfullname James Brown    teacher idb    647  
8     4 D           bfullname Golden Brown   teacher idb    967  


  id.vars = 1:2, 
  measure.vars = list(name = c(3, 5), id_name = c(4, 6)),
  variable.name = "role"
#>    id institution role           name id_name
#> 1:  1           A    1     Chet Baker     666
#> 2:  1           A    2 Clifford Brown     123

Where df is:

df <- read.table(text = '
id institution  name_a      info_a bfullname      idb
1  A            "Chet Baker"  666    "Clifford Brown" 123
', header = TRUE)

Created on 2019-02-14 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

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