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How to create Virtual Machine in Azure Free Services without cost

Azure says here that

750 Hours of B1S VM and 64 GB X 2 Managed Disks, 2 P6 SDDs

and some others are free each month for 12 months.

On VM create in Azure Portal, There are Basics, Disks and other tabs, In Basics, I could able to select Image Size to B1S VM but in Disks tab, there is no option to select Managed Disk of 64GB of P6 SDDs.

There are only three options ie Premium SSD, Standard SSD, Standard HDD. Whatever I select and proceed further, VM takes default of 128 GB C Drive and 4 GB of Temp Drive and starts billing.

Where can I select that free 64 GB X 2 Managed Disks, 2 P6 SDDs.?

在 Azure 门户中使用搜索框(顶部)并查找“免费服务”,然后您将能够使用免费的 VM 和其他服务。

只需将鼠标悬停在菜单中虚拟机选项卡中的“创建”上.. 它会显示免费虚拟机选项.. 单击它.. 它配置免费虚拟机所需的一切

I dont think you can change disk os disk size at all (only increase it). But there are windows images called smalldisk , those have 30gb disks, you can use those, they should work just fine.


After making the VM, open the resource group of the vm. Click the disk of the vm (Be sure that the VM is to be switched off, else it won't work) and select the disk. Open the disk and on the sidebar click size and performance and resize the disk to p6.

I think VM creation is not completely free. You have to pay for computing power and disk. Please response if I am wrong.

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