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How to run expo (react native) app on cloudfoundry (e.g. IBM Cloud)?

When running expo locally, by using:

yarn start

You will get a QR code or a URL which you can open on expo app. There're 3 URLs you can choose:

  1. Tunnel
  2. LAN
  3. Local

My question is, how do I do the same by hosting somewhere else? I tried to do export but by looking at dist folder, there're no index.html file. Or another file will be the main file instead?

I'm trying to host it as static in cloudfoundry-based like IBM Cloud / Bluemix.

Please advise. Thanks!

Based on the text available at https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/distribution/hosting-your-app/ , you are not expected to produce a final "web application" that can be accessed via a regular web browser. Instead you provide the static content that can be used by an "Expo" client.

$ ls -1d dist/*

What you are expected to serve, is the android/ios-index.json files and the assest/bundles.

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