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How to update record in codeigniter?

controller code


model code

function updaterecords($n,$e,$m,$id,$a,$b)

        $qr=$this->db->query("UPDATE pincode_price_setup,shipping_type_mst,time_slot_mst SET pps_pin='$n',pps_address='$e',stm_shipping_type='$m',tsm_time_slot='$a',pps_price='$b' WHERE pps_slid='$id'");
        return $qr;

Delivery Method and Delivery Time Slot data are same

You should modify your code to use codeigniters prepared statements. If I correctly understood relations in your DB, your update records method should looks something like this:

function updaterecords($n, $e, $m, $id, $a, $b)
    $this->db->set('pps_pin', $n);
    $this->db->set('pps_address', $e);
    $this->db->set('stm_shipping_type', $m);
    $this->db->set('tsm_time_slot', $a);
    $this->db->set('pps_price', $b);
    $this->db->join('shipping_type_mst', 'pincode_price_setup.pps_shipping_type = shipping_type_mst.stm_sqlid');
    $this->db->join('time_slot_mst', 'pincode_price_setup.pps_time_slot = time_slot_mst.tsm_sqlid');
    $this->db->where('pps_slid', $id);

Friendly tip: give your variables some more meaningful names, it would be much easier to work with variable named $pin than $n.

Please try like this

//Controller Code
function update_record($id){ 
    $update_array = array(
       'pps_pin' => $this->input->post('pps_pin') ///add fields in array which updated  
    $this->modal_name->update($id,update_array);//pass id & array which want to be update

//Modal code

function update($id,$array){
    return $this->db->where('id',$id)->update('TABLE_NAME',array);

So as I understand it, you want to update records in your database. I will not write it for you. I will show you an example.

This code may not be perfect but it works for my localhost project.

Create a function to update records in your controller.


public function update($id){

    $id = $this->input->post('id');

    //create $data array and add your data to array
    $data = array(
        'nazov_divizia'     =>  $this->input->post('nazov')

    //send this $data array with $id to your update function in model
    $this->Divizia_model->updateData($id, $data);

    //you can create flash message if you want
    $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Údaje upravené');

    //redirect to your controller index function

Create a function to update the record in your model.


public function updateData($id, $data)
    $this->db->where('id_divizia', $id);
    $this->db->update('divizia', $data);
 Try This code

function updaterecords($n, $e, $m, $id, $a, $b) {

             $this->db->set('pps_pin', $n);
             $this->db->set('pps_address', $e);
             $this->db->set('stm_shipping_type', $m);
             $this->db->set('tsm_time_slot', $a);
             $this->db->set('pps_price', $b);
             $this->db->where('pps_slid', $id);
             return ($this->db->affected_rows() != 1) ? false : true;

Once codeigniter model is loaded then its default update function works

        $data = [
                'pps_pin' => $this->input->post('pps_pin'),
                'pps_address' => $this->input->post('pps_address'),
                'stm_shipping_type' => $this->input->post('stm_shipping_type'),
                'tsm_time_slot' => $this->input->post('tsm_time_slot'),
                'pps_price' => $this->input->post('pps_price'),
                'pps_slid' => $this->input->post('pps_slid'),
     $this->Config_model->id = $id;


So I am sure we don't need to define a separate function in model for same purpose.

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