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How to format numeric variable in Terraform

I have a following (simplified) Terraform code:

variable "cluster_id" {
    default = 1

resource "aws_instance" "instance" {
    ... some instance properties ...
    tags {
        "Name" = "${format("cluster-%02d", var.cluster_id)}"

And when I run terraform apply the plan shows:

tags.Name: "%!d(string=1)"

The cluster_id in format() is not handled as a number so formatting fails. I would expect that I get cluster-01 but that's not the case.

Am I doing something wrong or is it really not possible to use custom variables as numbers in formatting?

Terraform, pre 0.12, only supports string , list and map types as an input variable so despite you providing an integer (or a float or a boolean ) it will be cast to a string .

Both Terraform and Go allow you to use the same padding for integers and strings though so you can just use the following to 0 pad the cluster_id :

resource "aws_instance" "instance" {
    # ... some instance properties ...
    tags {
        "Name" = "${format("cluster-%02s", var.cluster_id)}"

Another option I found is to do ${format("cluster-%02d", var.cluster_id+0)} . Adding zero produces real number and then %02d works correctly. But using %02s is cleaner.

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