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React: How to add an array of Ids to the state object from nested objects

I have one form with some textboxes, in another component I have a table with a row selection.

When the button in the bottom is clicked I should send the parameters I already sent but additionally in the webapi I should receive a List with the ids selected.

My main component is this:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Input} from 'antd';
import Form from '../../components/uielements/form';
import Button from '../../components/uielements/button';
import Notification from '../../components/notification';
import { adalApiFetch } from '../../adalConfig';
import   ListPageTemplatesWithSelection  from './ListPageTemplatesWithSelection';

const FormItem = Form.Item;

class CreateCommunicationSiteCollectionForm extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {Title:'',Url:'', SiteDesign:'', Description:'',Owner:'',Lcid:''};
        this.handleChangeTitle = this.handleChangeTitle.bind(this);
        this.handleValidationCommunicationSiteUrl = this.handleValidationCommunicationSiteUrl.bind(this);
        this.handleChangeCommunicationSiteUrl = this.handleChangeCommunicationSiteUrl.bind(this);
        this.handleChangeSiteDesign = this.handleChangeSiteDesign.bind(this);
        this.handleChangeDescription = this.handleChangeDescription.bind(this);
        this.handleChangeOwner = this.handleChangeOwner.bind(this);
        this.handleChangelcid = this.handleChangelcid.bind(this);

        this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);

        this.setState({Title: event.target.value});

    handleValidationCommunicationSiteUrl(rule, value, callback){
        const form = this.props.form;
        const str = form.getFieldValue('communicationsiteurl');        
        var re = /^(?:http(s)?:\/\/)?[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w\.-]+)+[\w\-\._~:/?#[\]@!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=.]+$/i;
        if (str && !str.match(re)) {
            callback('Communication site url is not correctly formated.');
        else {

        this.setState({Url: event.target.value});

        this.setState({SiteDesign: event.target.value});

        this.setState({Description: event.target.value});

        this.setState({Owner: event.target.value});

        this.setState({Lcid: event.target.value});

        this.props.form.validateFieldsAndScroll((err, values) => {
            if (!err) {
                let data = new FormData();
                //Append files to form data

                const options = {
                  method: 'post',
                  body: JSON.stringify(
                        "Title": this.state.Title,
                        "Url": this.state.Url, 
                        "SiteDesign": this.state.SiteDesign,
                        "Description": this.state.Description,
                        "Owner": this.state.Owner,
                        "Lcid": this.state.Lcid
                    headers: {
                            'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

                adalApiFetch(fetch, "/SiteCollection/CreateCommunicationSite", options)
                  .then(response =>{
                    if(response.status === 201){
                            'Communication Site created',
                        throw "error";
                  .catch(error => {
                        'Site collection not created',

    render() {
        const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;
        const formItemLayout = {
        labelCol: {
            xs: { span: 24 },
            sm: { span: 6 },
        wrapperCol: {
            xs: { span: 24 },
            sm: { span: 14 },
        const tailFormItemLayout = {
        wrapperCol: {
            xs: {
            span: 24,
            offset: 0,
            sm: {
            span: 14,
            offset: 6,
        return (
            <Form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
                <FormItem {...formItemLayout} label="Title" hasFeedback>
                {getFieldDecorator('Title', {
                    rules: [
                            required: true,
                            message: 'Please input your communication site title',
                })(<Input name="title" id="title" onChange={this.handleChangeTitle} />)}
                <FormItem {...formItemLayout} label="Communication Site Url" hasFeedback>
                {getFieldDecorator('communicationSiteUrl', {
                    rules: [
                            required: true,
                            message: 'CommunicationSite site collection url',
                            validator: this.handleValidationCommunicationSiteUrl
                })(<Input name="communicationsSiteUrl" id="communicationsSiteUrl" onChange={this.handleChangeCommunicationSiteUrl} />)}
                <FormItem {...formItemLayout} label="Site Design" hasFeedback>
                {getFieldDecorator('sitedesign', {
                    rules: [
                            required: true,
                            message: 'Please input your site design',
                })(<Input name="sitedesign" id="sitedesign" onChange={this.handleChangeSiteDesign} />)}
                <FormItem {...formItemLayout} label="Description" hasFeedback>
                {getFieldDecorator('description', {
                    rules: [
                            required: true,
                            message: 'Please input your description',
                })(<Input name="description" id="description"  onChange={this.handleChangeDescription} />)}
                <FormItem {...formItemLayout} label="Owner" hasFeedback>
                {getFieldDecorator('owner', {
                    rules: [
                            required: true,
                            message: 'Please input your owner',
                })(<Input name="owner" id="owner"  onChange={this.handleChangeOwner} />)}
                <FormItem {...formItemLayout} label="Lcid" hasFeedback>
                {getFieldDecorator('lcid', {
                    rules: [
                            required: true,
                            message: 'Please input your lcid',
                })(<Input name="lcid" id="lcid"  onChange={this.handleChangelcid} />)}

                <ListPageTemplatesWithSelection />

                <FormItem {...tailFormItemLayout}>
                    <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">
                        Create communication site



const WrappedCreateCommunicationSiteCollectionForm = Form.create()(CreateCommunicationSiteCollectionForm);
export default WrappedCreateCommunicationSiteCollectionForm;

and the nested component is this

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {  Table, Radio} from 'antd';
import { adalApiFetch } from '../../adalConfig';
import Notification from '../../components/notification';

class ListPageTemplatesWithSelection extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            data: []

    fetchData = () => {
        adalApiFetch(fetch, "/PageTemplates", {})
          .then(response => response.json())
          .then(responseJson => {
            if (!this.isCancelled) {
                const results= responseJson.map(row => ({
                    key: row.Id,
                    Name: row.Name
              this.setState({ data: results });
          .catch(error => {


        const columns = [
                    title: 'Id',
                    dataIndex: 'key',
                    key: 'key',
                    title: 'Name',
                    dataIndex: 'Name',
                    key: 'Name',

         // rowSelection object indicates the need for row selection
         const rowSelection = {
            onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {

            getCheckboxProps: record => ({
                type: Radio

        return (
            <Table rowSelection={rowSelection}  columns={columns} dataSource={this.state.data} />

export default ListPageTemplatesWithSelection;

So basically every time the checkbox on each row is selected or unselected, then on the Parent component state I should add/remove the ID.

So that I can send it to the server when the button is pressed.

But I am not sure how to achieve this.

The best way to pass props from a child to a parent is by lifting the state up .

So the parent component would define a handleRowSelect(ids) function which handles taking the IDs of the currently selected rows. These can then be set in the state.

constructor(props) {
  this.state = {
    selectedRows: [],

handleRowSelect(ids) {
  this.setState({ selectedRows: ids });

It would pass the function and the selectedRows to the child component:

<ListPageTemplatesWithSelection onRowSelect={this.handleRowSelect) selectedRows={this.state.selectedRows} />

The child component would then have props called selectedRows and onRowSelect , which would call the handleRowSelect function of the parent. :

const rowSelection = {
  selectedRowKeys: this.props.selectedRows,
  onChange: (selectedRowKeys) => {

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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