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Overwrite initial value from redux-form

I am initializing values in Field using initialValues. Although I would like to overwrite one of the Field with another defaul value. Is this possible? I was trying with defaultValue etc but I doesnt work. This is the part of code I want to change:

  defaultValue={some.url + ':' + some.port}

Its initialized with url, but I would like to change it to url:port

Before passing initialValues prop down to your redux-form component, you can modify it.

Something like that:

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  // Here's how to set a default value and overwrite the API initial data.
  // Let's say your form is editing an User.
  // And if the User, returned by the API, doesn't have a name,
  // then we set a default value.
  initialValues: {...state.user, name: state.user.name || 'Default name'}

// `connect` is part of `react-redux`.
// If you don't use `react-redux`, then just modify the `initialValues`
// before passing it down to the form.
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(reduxForm({
  form: 'formName',

Not sure what and how you generate or update your url and port variables. But something like this should work. If you can share more details, I can adapt the answer.

private url: string = `${some}.url`;
private port: string = `${some}.port`;

  defaultValue={this.url + ':' + this.port}
  updateDefaultValue={(url, port) => {this.url = url; this.port = port}}

in your Field component


Hope this helps

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