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ionic - Dismiss alert controller and/or input field when escape key pressed

Using ionic 3 on a desktop. I have a list of items. Each item can be edited and then the changes saved or cancelled. If I hit edit and the input box opens, I want to be able to close the edit/input box by hitting escape. I also have an alert controller to add an item to the list. I would like the alert controller to go away upon hitting escape. Neither of these functions work now, and I'm not sure how to add them. I've searched the ionic docs, but I guess I am not understanding them.

Here is the code:


itemTapped(item) {
    this.selectedItem = item;
    this.selectedItem.wasClicked = true;
    this.addTable = true;

refreshRows() { 
    this.editRowIndex = null;
      .subscribe(data => {
          this.rows = data;
          console.log("The data id is: " + data.id);

  cancelTapped() {
      this.addTable = false;

  addTapped(event, cell, rowIndex) {
      const prompt = this.alertCtrl.create({
          title: "Add " + this.selectedItem.label.slice(0, 
      cssClass: 'buttonCss',
      enableBackdropDismiss: false,
      inputs: [
              name: 'name',
      buttons: [      
          text: 'Cancel',
          cssClass: 'item-button button button-md button-outline button-outline-md'
          text: 'Save',
          handler: data => {
          cssClass: 'buttonColor item-button button button-md button-default button-default-md button-md-pm-yellow'          
    console.log("You clicked on a detail.");

  saveNewRow(data) {
    this.selectedItem.service.findOne({order: "id DESC"}).subscribe(result => {
      console.log('The result is ', result);
      this.editRowId = result.id+1;
      this.editRowData = { id: this.editRowId, name: data.name };
      console.log('editRowData is ', this.editRowData);
      this.selectedItem.service.create(this.editRowData).subscribe(result => {

  saveRow(name) {
   let newName = name.nativeElement.value;  
   if (newName !== this.editRowData["name"]) {
     this.editRowData["name"] = newName;
this.editRowData).subscribe(result => {
       let rows = this.rows;
       this.editRowIndex = null;
       this.rows = [...this.rows];

  editRow(rowIndex) {
    this.editRowData = this.rows[rowIndex];
    this.editRowId = this.rows[rowIndex].id;
    this.editRowName = this.rows[rowIndex].name;
    this.editRowIndex = rowIndex;
    setTimeout(() => this.name.nativeElement.focus(), 50);

  cancelEditRow(rowIndex) {
    this.rows[rowIndex].name = this.editRowName;
    this.editRowIndex = null;

  deleteRow(rowIndex) {
      .subscribe(result => {              
      }, error => {
          const noDelete = this.alertCtrl.create({
            title: this.rows[rowIndex].name + ' is in use and cannot be deleted.',
        // subTitle: 'You cannot delete this ' + 
      this.selectedItem.label.slice(0, this.selectedItem.label.length-this.selectedItem.trimSingle),
        buttons: [
            text: 'Dismiss',
            cssClass: 'item-button button button-md button-outline button-outline-md'


If it's viable, you can set enableBackdropDismiss to true , that would solve your issue. But I guess you have set it for a reason ;)

Otherwise, to make some changes to JGFMK 's answer, this is how you can do it, assign your alert to a variable, so that you can reference it in the @HostListener and there dismiss the alert, when user hits esc-key:

import { AlertController, Alert } from 'ionic-angular';

// ...

prompt: Alert;

@HostListener('document:keydown.escape', ['$event'])
onKeydownHandler(event: KeyboardEvent) {

addTapped() {
  this.prompt = this.alertCtrl.create({ ... })


Let me know if this helps.

import { HostListener}    from '@angular/core';
import { ViewController } from 'ionic-angular';
export class ModalPage {
  private exitData = {proceed:false};
    private view:ViewController
  @HostListener('document:keydown.escape', ['$event']) 
  onKeydownHandler(event: KeyboardEvent) {

Courtesy of here .

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