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Empty checkbox field returning null instead of 0 after updating from Laravel 5.4 to 5.7

I recently updated my app from laravel 5.4 to 5.7. After updating, I noticed I was getting the following error when submitting a form with an unchecked checkbox:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'mature_enabled' cannot be null

In other words, instead of returning 0 ,

        'mature_enabled' => $request->get('mature_enabled'),

returns null on an empty checkbox. But a checked checkbox will return 1 .

This is what the field looks like in blade:

    <div class="{{ $errors->has('mature_enabled') ? ' has-error' : '' }} settingsCheckbox"> 
        <label for="mature_enabled">Show mature content. Adults Only (18+).</label>
        <input type="checkbox" name="mature_enabled" value="1"
               @if (Auth::user()->mature_enabled  == 1)

Why is this happening? I haven't changed anything at all since updating Laravel so I can only imagine this is a laravel issue.

Why is this happening?

Because Request::get 's signature is get($key, $default = null) , so when the checkbox isn't checked it won't be sent at all and get('mature_enabled') will return null .

I haven't changed anything at all since updating Laravel so I can only imagine this is a laravel issue.

Actually, no, Laravel's Request::get() just calls Symfony's one, and it's not recommended to use it:

* This method belongs to Symfony HttpFoundation and is not usually needed when using Laravel.
* Instead, you may use the "input" method.

So, you can fix your code this way:

$request->input('mature_enabled', false)

Or, if don't use validation and you'd want to ensure it's bool:


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