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NSTextView and determining glyph position

I am trying to define y axis position for certain lines and have label next to them in an NSTextView. I am using glyphRangeForCharacterRange.

It kind of works, but the text view can have a LOT of text (even ~4000-5000 lines) and is wrapped with insets. As I scroll to stuff that is out of view, the results are wrong. It seems to return values without wrapping, or so I figure. If I do an update on the positions while I have scrolled to corresponding text, they are calculated correctly.

This is the code without additional offsets:

NSRange characterRange = NSMakeRange(startPosition, length);
NSRange range = [[self.textView layoutManager] glyphRangeForCharacterRange:characterRange actualCharacterRange:nil];
label.frame = rect;

NSRect rect = [[self.textView layoutManager] boundingRectForGlyphRange:range inTextContainer:[self.textView textContainer]];

The same problem occurs if I try to set the label positions after the document awakes, so I calculate the labels on first keypress, which isn't too nice.

What would be the best way around this?


The answer to this problem was just to ensure the layout for the NSLayoutManager before retrieving glyph coordinates.

[[_textView layoutManager] ensureLayoutForTextContainer:[_textView textContainer]];

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