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laravel socialite class ServiceProvider not found

I am not really sure what went wrong, but i was trying to get socialite to work by following the instructions on https://socialiteproviders.netlify.com/ but it didnt work.

so i googled more and followed the instructions on https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/socialite which seems to be fine. I could connect to the google api but had some other errors.

so i kinde deleted the entry in the config/app.php, becuase it was not wirtten and used in the 2nd instruction

after some time, i tried again and i only get this error:

Class 'SocialiteProviders\Manager\ServiceProvider' not found

also if i try this commands

composer update
composer dump-autoload
php artisan cache:clear

i also get the error

In ProviderRepository.php line 208:                                                          
Class 'SocialiteProviders\Manager\ServiceProvider' not found

how to resolve this?

Please remove already installed socialite and install it again. Follow this link, It is the best way to setup socialite in laravel

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