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Ionic 3 Error : when command run ionic cordova run android

ionic 3 Error : when commend run

cordova platform add android --save × Running command - failed! [WARN] Platform already added. Saving platforms to config.xml. Platform android is not installed! Would you like to install it? (Y/n)

and when i try run

cordova run android shown Error: Source path does not exist: resources/android/icon/drawable-hdpi-icon.png

ionic cordova platform add android

Platform android is not installed! Would you like to install it? (Y/n) press Y

Please remove any preference with portrait/landscape from your config.xml file before adding platform .


Step 1 : Remove android platform

ionic cordova platform rm android

Step 2 :check config.xml if android platform array is there, if it is still there remove it.

Step 3 : Add android platform again

ionic cordova platform add android

Step 4 : Run ionic on android

ionic cordova run android -l -c

step 5 : genrate resource files for platform details here

ionic cordova resources android

Firstly you need to run the command:

ionic cordova resources android

It creates all the various size images based of a default you supply, adding lines to config.xml for build to use later in generation of the APK.

More info on the size can be obtained here .

  • icon.png 1024px x1024px - you supply this.

  • splash.png 2732px x 2732px

The source image for icons should ideally be at least 1024×1024px and located at resources/icon.png . The source image for splash screens should ideally be at least 2732×2732px and located at resources/splash.png .


Then follow up with the build:

ionic cordova build android --prod

As others have indicated it may be prudent to remove/add platform again to be sure.

  1. ionic cordova platform rm android
  2. ionic cordova resources android
  3. ionic cordova platform add android

Android Studio:

  • Build > Generate Signed APK
  • Next
  • Keystore password - supply it.
  • Next
  • Finish
  • click locate in notification copy app-release-apk to wherever.

If you continue to have issues. Run:

ionic info

And paste output into your question as well.

UPDATED to reflect comments below:

I would presume your config.xml is somehow hosed .

There is a section in it which associates icon and splashscreen.

This is what I have in mine for the android platform part.

<platform name="android">
        <allow-intent href="market:*" />
        <icon density="ldpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-ldpi-icon.png" />
        <icon density="mdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-mdpi-icon.png" />
        <icon density="hdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-hdpi-icon.png" />
        <icon density="xhdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xhdpi-icon.png" />
        <icon density="xxhdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xxhdpi-icon.png" />
        <icon density="xxxhdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xxxhdpi-icon.png" />
        <splash density="land-ldpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-ldpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="land-mdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-mdpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="land-hdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-hdpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="land-xhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xhdpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="land-xxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xxhdpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="land-xxxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xxxhdpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="port-ldpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-ldpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="port-mdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-mdpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="port-hdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-hdpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="port-xhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xhdpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="port-xxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xxhdpi-screen.png" />
        <splash density="port-xxxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xxxhdpi-screen.png" />

This part gets injected into the code by the

ionic cordova resources android

If you have src locations that don't relate to real artwork of icons/splashscreens then you are likely to get the error. Try manually deleting everything between:

<platform name="android">
</platform><!-- The one relating to android! -->

Then rerun from the top until the update section.

If all else fails, there may be more issues with the config.xml, in which case you could take more drastic actions...

  1. It may be prudent to host your config.xml somewhere and link it in the original question rather than comments first though. Somewhere like Googledocs perhaps first.

If I am not around later to answer...

  1. You could try creating a new scratch project just to get a clean config.xml.
  2. If you have many cordova plugins for native functionality, add those to your project with the ionic cli too to update config.xml appropriately. For example.

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@latestcordova-plugin-inappbrowser@latest

This incidentally adds these nodes to the config.xml

<plugin name="..." spec="..." />
  1. manually update these again too.

    • widget id property - eg com.yourdomain.yourappname
    • name
    • description
    • author
  2. In the meantime, at the os level delete the platforms folder from your original app project folder,

  3. then rename config.xml to config-old.xml in the original project
  4. and copy over the config.xml from the scratch project
  5. Then try the whole sequence of steps I have described above again (from the top until the update, returning to step 9 if all is ok at end.
  6. Delete the scratch project folder if everything works.

Let me know if it helps.

在您的 xml 配置中,您应该相应地指定引擎

<engine name="android" spec="7.1.4" />

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