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Best way to sterilise async methods c#

After spending far too much time trying to sort out async/await hell we're trying to get a standard for when we have to call an async method on a library we don't control and where there is no non-async method provided and get async out of our code all together.

I don't want a discussion of the merits of this I'm sure that for some people async/await works, just a foolproof way of calling any async method and not getting deadlocks etc.


public someObject SomeFunction(string parameter)
    return Task.Run(() => 3rdPartyLib.SomeFunctionAsync(parameter)).Result;


public void SomeMethod()
    return Task.Run(() => 3rdPartyLib.SomeMethodAsync()).Wait;

Do the job? Do I need to configureAwait(false)? Will exceptions work normally?

Well, writing synchronous wrappers for asynchronous methods is an antipattern , too.

That said, there are a variety of hacks covered in my Brownfield Async article . The one you propose - the "thread pool hack" - will work unless the third party library requires use of the current context. Eg, if it is a method that expects to run in a scenario where it has access to UI controls, or if it expects to have HttpContext.Current . Most libraries do not require this, so this hack would work for them.

There is no hack that works everywhere, in all scenarios.

You do not need ConfigureAwait(false) . There is no await to configure.

For exceptions, you should use GetAwaiter().GetResult() instead of Result and Wait() . That prevents exceptions from being wrapped in AggregateException .

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