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How to trigger click on ref in Vue.js

I have a list

<li v-for="menu_item, key in menu" @click="clickMenu(key)" :ref="'menu'+key">

And in my vue I have

   // This shows the $refs as being mounted and available
   // Click menu item 2 seconds after mounting
   // click is UNDEFINED

methods: {
      console.log("CLICKED "+key)

I get "Cannot read property 'click' of undefined"

How do I simply just trigger a click on the element programmatically?

Another answer on Github says I should do ...


But that isn't defined either ??

Heres a JSFiddle Hopefully someone can figure it out JSFIDDLE HERE!!

There may a couple of small issues with your code. The context of this inside setTimeout() when using function() {} is not what you are expecting. To preserve the context of this to be able to access $refs and similar component properties/functions, use an arrow function instead () => {} .

The next issue is accessing the underlying element of a ref such as menu1 . I've provided an example below, but logging this.$refs.menu1 returns an array of elements [<li>] . You would need to do something along the lines of this.$refs.menu1[0] to access the underlying element (there be a more "Vue" way of doing this though):

  // ...
  methods: {
    handleClick(key) {
  mounted() {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2000);

Here is an example in action.

Hopefully that helps!

如果您的目标是单击菜单的第一项,只需调用 clickMenu 方法并发送索引,在这种情况下,它将是 clickMenu(0)。

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