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Webpack: How to expose a class constructor to browser’s global namespace

I'm new to webpack and can't figure out how to expose a class constructor to the browser's global namespace. For example, how do I configure webpack so that the code below prints “hello world” in the console? I've tried using exports-loader , expose-loader , and script-loader without success.


class MyClass {
  print() {
    console.log('hello world');


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="./dist/bundle.js"></script>
      myClass = new MyClass;

You can either:

a) Expose your function (class) explicitly:


class MyClass {
  print() {
    console.log('hello world');

window.MyClass = MyClass;

Then you can call your constructor from global object by referencing MyClass directly.

b) Configure webpack to expose your exports in a global object as follows:


module.exports = {
    output: {
        library: 'someName',
        libraryTarget: 'umd',
        globalObject: 'this'

Then you can call your constructor by referencing exported function (class) in a global variable configured as library option in above config file. In this example someName.MyClass . For this to work you must export the function in main.js file, as shown below.


export class MyClass {
    print() {
        console.log('hello world');

Refer to webpack output configuration for more specifics.

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