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Koin Kotlin - How to use inject/get outside of Activity

I'm currently trying to implement Koin into my Android app. It works well within Activities where I can access get() or inject() , but outside of those Classes I'm unable to use them.

For example, I have a very simple class called Device that will just create an Object of the user's device. I need to get a reference to MyStorage within there.

data class Device(
    val username: String,
) {

    companion object {

        fun get(): Device {
            val storage: MyStorage = get() // does not work

            val username = storage.username

            return Device(

But get() does not work within this class, and manually adding the import doesn't help.

I also saw this answer, https://stackoverflow.com/a/49629378/3106174 , which has extending KoinComponent , but that doesn't work in this case or others I've run into such as top-level functions outside any class.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Well, I would consider making Device object through dependency injection also, where it could accept MyStorage injected in a constructor.

val appModule = module {

    factory { Device(get()) }    // MyStorage injected using get()


But if it doesn't suit your need, try getting MyStorage from ComponentCallbacks object (for example from the Application ).

class App : Application() {

    companion object {
        private lateinit var instance: App

        fun get(): App = instance

    override fun onCreate() {
        instance = this

    fun getMyStorage(): MyStorage {
        return get()

fun get(): Device {
    val storage: MyStorage = App.get().getMyStorage()


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