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how to set helperText in react-select

I am using react-select and TextField Material-UI . Is there possibility to set helperText (small text below component) in react-select like it is made in TextField ?

Thank You for help in advance.

PS I do not think my question is duplication of this question . The other post is about how to custom component which is a part of react-select, I want to add an option that react-select doesnt have.

TextField is mainly a convenience wrapper around several lower-level components including FormHelperText .

Here is the Autocomplete demo in the Material-UI documentation using react-select: https://material-ui.com/demos/autocomplete/#react-select

Here is a modified version of that demo using FormHelperText : https://codesandbox.io/s/rynvn8po5p

Here's the relevant snippet from that code:

            placeholder="Search a country (start with a)"
          <FormHelperText>Here's my helper text</FormHelperText>

The Material-UI demos for Select also show many examples of using FormHelperText without using TextField : https://material-ui.com/demos/selects/#simple-select

Here is the API documentation for FormHelperText : https://material-ui.com/api/form-helper-text/

Do you mean placeholder? I think You can set this way:

const MyComponent = () => (
  <Select placeholder="Select..." options={options} />

But if you want the same look why do you use controls from different libraries. I think you can use FormHelperText with Select from Material-Ui . So you might as well this select instead of react-select.

<FormControl className={classes.formControl}>
  <InputLabel shrink htmlFor="age-native-label-placeholder">
    input={<Input name="age" id="age-native-label-placeholder" />}
    <option value="">None</option>
    <option value={10}>Ten</option>
    <option value={20}>Twenty</option>
    <option value={30}>Thirty</option>
  <FormHelperText>Label + placeholder</FormHelperText>

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