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I am having trouble with a nested If Statement in Excel

I am attempting to formulate a nested If Statement in Excel with three qualifications:

if sales are <100--> "Low"
if sales are between 100 and 1000-->"Mid"
if sales are greater than 1000-->"High"

Here's what I have so far: =IF(C3<100,"Low"), if(AND(C3>100,C3=1000)), "Mid"), if(C3>1000),"High"))

but the formula doesn't work. Can anyone help me out?

Best, Bryan McCormack

Use this formula:

=if(C3<100, "Low", if(and(C3>=100,C3<=1000), "Mid","High"))

If it is not low and mid, then it's high

假设您在Column C的值仅是数字,则可以

=IF(C3<100, "Low", IF(C3>1000, "High", "Mid"))

IF Trouble


  • Here is your formula that doesn't work, and below it is the formula in your 'style' that would have worked, to see where you went wrong.

    =IF(C3<100,"Low"),IF(AND(C3>100,C3=1000)),"Mid"),IF(C3>1000),"High")) =IF(C3<100,"Low",IF(AND(C3>100,C3<=1000),"Mid",IF(C3>1000,"High","")))


  • You can shorten the formula to the following:


  • You can add a check if there is a number in the cell:


Issues (Whole Numbers Only)

Most of the following is incorrect for decimal numbers.

  • What is this formula doing?

    1st Case: Value is less than 100 ie ..., 97, 98, 99. .
    2nd Case: Value is between 99 and 1001 ie 100, 101, 102,..., 998, 999, 1000. .
    You could say Value is from 100 to 1000.
    3rd Case: Value is greater than 1000 ie 1001, 1002, 1003,... .

  • Usually the same operators are used in such cases ie either:


    1st Case: Value is less than 101 ie ..., 98, 99, 100. .
    2nd Case: Value is between 100 and 1001 ie 101, 102, 103,..., 998, 999, 1000. .
    You could say Value is from 101 to 1000.
    3rd Case: Value is greater than 1000 ie 1001, 1002, 1003,... .

  • or:


    1st Case: Value is less than 100 ie ..., 97, 98, 99. .
    2nd Case: Value is between 99 and 1000 ie 100, 101, 102,..., 997, 998, 999. .
    You could say Value is from 100 to 999.
    3rd Case: Value is greater than 999 ie 1000, 1001, 1002,... .

Notice the small differences in the formulas.

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