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ggplot R multiple histogram with same scale

I have the following melted data.frame :

   stazione         variable value
1         c perc_dati_validi   100
2         i perc_dati_validi   100
3         c              min     6
4         i              min     6
5         c              max    75
6         i              max   105
7         c            media    25
8         i            media    39
9         c               50    24
10        i               50    39
11        c               90    42
12        i               90    60
13        c               95    47
14        i               95    68
15        c               98    53
16        i               98    77

I would like to plot the different numeric variables grouped by stazione . I'm using:

ggplot(tab22m, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=stazione))+geom_bar(stat='identity', position='dodge')

The result is the following: ggplot2 plot

The y scale is messed up. I'd wish it to start at zero and end at 105. Any idea? Thank you.

I cannot reproduce your issue.

ggplot(tab22m, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=stazione)) +
    geom_bar(stat='identity', position='dodge')



Make sure that value is actually a numeric or integer vector (check with str(tab22m) ); perhaps somehow value got turned into a factor ?

Sample data

tab22m <- read.table(text =
    "   stazione         variable value
1         c perc_dati_validi   100
2         i perc_dati_validi   100
3         c              min     6
4         i              min     6
5         c              max    75
6         i              max   105
7         c            media    25
8         i            media    39
9         c               50    24
10        i               50    39
11        c               90    42
12        i               90    60
13        c               95    47
14        i               95    68
15        c               98    53
16        i               98    77", header = T)

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