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R data.table sum number of columns exceeding threshold

I would like to sum the number of columns whose values exceed a threshold in an observation. Additionally, I would like to specify those column names and thresholds as vectors ( cols , th )

Take the example data set:

x <- data.table(x1=c(1,2,3),x2=c(3,2,1))

The goal is to create a new column exceed.count with number of columns in which x1 and x2 exceed a respective threshold. Assuming the case in which the thresholds for both x1 and x2 are 2:

th <- c(2,2)

The function could be defined as:

fn <- function(z,th) (sum(z[,x1]>th[1],z[,x2]>th[2]))

And the number of columns exceeding the thresholds calculated by:


The results are:

   x1 x2 exceed.count
1:  1  3            1
2:  2  2            0
3:  3  1            1

What I would like to do is be able to specify the column names as vector, eg

cols <- c("x1","x2")

I was playing around with a function of the form:

fn.i <- function(z,i) (sum(z[,cols[i],with=FALSE] > th[i]))

which works for a single i, but how do I vectorize this across elements of cols? ( cols and th will always be the same length)

I think there is an easier way to solve your problem:


Or, taking into account your input (only a subset of columns):

sd.cols = c("x1")
x[,exceed.count:=sum(.SD>th),by=seq_len(nrow(x)), .SDcols=sd.cols]


sd.cols = c("x1")
x[,exceed.count:=sum(.SD>th[1]),by=seq_len(nrow(x)), .SDcols=sd.cols]

@JonnyCrunch's approach, specifying a subset of columns with .SDcols=sd.cols works fine (as long as you ensure ncol(x) == length(th) , otherwise vector recycling will mess things up).

Here's an alternative that is shorter syntax (but will be less performant for very wide columns):

  • x[,exceed.count:=sum(.SD>th), by=seq_len(nrow(x)) ]
    • no need to explicitly specify .SDcols , let it default to all columns
    • define the threshold vector th for all columns, using the don't-care value +Inf in those columns you don't want counted.


> x <- data.table(x0=4:6, x1=1:3, x2=3:1, x3=7:5)

   x0 x1 x2 x3
1:  4  1  3  7
2:  5  2  2  6
3:  6  3  1  5

> th <- c(+Inf, 2, +Inf, 2) 

> fn <- function(z,th) (z>th)

> x[,exceed.count:=sum(.SD>th), by=seq_len(nrow(x)) ]

   x0 x1 x2 x3 exceed.count
1:  4  1  3  7            1
2:  5  2  2  6            1
3:  6  3  1  5            2

Here's one way to get around iteration over rows:

x <- data.table(x1=c(1,2,3), x2=c(3,2,1))
thL <- list(x1 = 2, x2 = 2)

nm = names(thL)
x[, n := 0L]
for (i in seq_along(thL)) x[thL[i], on=sprintf("%s>%s", nm[i], nm[i]), n := n + 1L][]

   x1 x2 n
1:  1  3 1
2:  2  2 0
3:  3  1 1

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