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How to use query parameters in Nest.js?

I am a freshman in Nest.js.

And my code as below

  async findByFilter(@Query() query): Promise<Article[]> {


I have used postman to test this router


Actually, I can get the query result { google: '1', baidu: '2' } . But I'm not clear why the url has a string 'bug' ?

If I delete that word just like


then the postman will shows statusCode 404 .

Actually, I don't need the word bug , how to custom the router to realize my destination just like http://localhost:3000/article/findByFilter?google=1&baidu=2

Here's another question is how to make mutiple router point to one method?

Query parameters

You have to remove :params for it to work as expected:

async findByFilter(@Query() query): Promise<Article[]> {
  // ...

Path parameters

The :param syntax is for path parameters and matches any string on a path:

getProduct(@Param('id') id) {

matches the routes

// ...

Route wildcards

To match multiple endpoints to the same method you can use route wildcards:


will match

// ...

we can use @Req()

getData(@Req() request: Request): Object {
    return {...request.params, ...request.query};


    "framework": "nest",
    "version": "7"

read more

If you have you parameter as part or url: /articles/${articleId}/details , you wold use @Param

async getDetails(
    @Param('ARTICLE_ID') articleId: string

IF you want to provide query params /article/findByFilter/bug? google=1&baidu=2 , you could use

async find(
    @Query('google') google: number,
    @Query('baidu') baidu: number,

You can use the @Req decorator, and use param object, see :

    @Req() req: Request
  ): Promise<any[]> {
    // another code ....

For better explaining I wrote a pagination example with number transformer class:

class QueryDto {
    @Type(() => Number)
    public readonly page: number;

    @Type(() => Number)
    public readonly take: number;

class QueryTransformPipe implements PipeTransform {
    async transform(value: QueryRequestDto, { metatype }: ArgumentMetadata) {
        if (!metatype) {
            return value;

        return plainToInstance(metatype, value);

class YourController {
    // also you can use it with pipe decorator
    // @UsePipes(new QueryTransformPipe())
    public async getData(@Query(new QueryTransformPipe()) query?: QueryRequestDto): Promise<any[]> {
        // here you get instanceof QueryTransformPipe
        // and typeof query.page === 'number' && typeof query.take === 'number'

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