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Why my react-bootstrap modal component displays like that?

During the development of my next React app, I had to use a modal component from react-bootstrap. It's actually working fine, but it looks like there are no stylesheets imported?

Here is my code

import React from "react";
import Modal from 'react-bootstrap/Modal';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';

class Nav extends React.Component {
    constructor(props, context) {
      super(props, context);

      this.handleShow = this.handleShow.bind(this);
      this.handleClose = this.handleClose.bind(this);

      this.state = {
        show: false,

    handleClose() {
      this.setState({ show: false });

    handleShow() {
      this.setState({ show: true });

    render() {
      return (
            <h5>a pack of free css animations</h5>
             <li><button variant="primary" onClick={this.handleShow}>how to use ></button></li>
                <form method="get" action="file">
                 <button type="submit">download ></button>
              <li><a href=".">see on github ></a></li>

          <Modal.Header closeButton>
            <Modal.Title id="contained-modal-title-vcenter">How to use?</Modal.Title>
            <p>Once you downloaded <i>animation.min.css</i>, you have to link that to your project.<br />
              To do that, use a 'link' tag, or just copy code of animation you like.</p>
            <Button variant="secondary" onClick={this.handleClose}>

export default Nav;

And it looks like that (Chrome) Click me

Modal is displayed on bottom, text is not centered etc...
What do you think?
How to improve that?

Load the style from react-bootstrap, like below:


You are missing the stylesheet from react-bootstrap which is why the model is not getting styled properly. Add following to your html and it should work.


Please go through the link to integrate your app and use with react-bootstrap.

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