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How To Redirect Hardware Back Button in Ionic 3?

I want to enable the hardware back button in ionic 3 which redirect's the page's and show's the content which we want's to redirect to the page. as i am new to ionic 3 guide me how to redirect buttons from the hardware device?

Something like these?

      // get the current activeNav
      let nav = app.getActiveNavs()[0];
      let active = nav.getActive();

      //crete as many difrent conditions as you need ...
      if(active.instance instanceof Pagename){
      //work u wanna do with dat page name
      if(active.instance instanceof Pagename2){
      //work u wanna do with dat page name

      //Go back

    },2)  //<- this is priority

You can also check if you can go back with:

if (nav.canGoBack()){

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