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Issues with fullscreen in unity

I'm making a simple menu in Unity 2D. I created a toggle that actives the full screen option. At this point, everything is alright. Then, I wanted to do the same, but pressing the F11 key. Here starts the problem. When I press F11, the screen becomes in fullsize, but the toggle doesn't activates and vice versa. So, I wanted to create a C# script that checks if Screen.fullscreen is true, it activates the toggle, and if it's false, it deactivates it. I thonk that this will solve the problem, but no. When I try to press F11 or click on the toggle, the entire window goes crazy. I don't know how to explain it, but the window will start to shake on its own. I would appreciate if somebody helps me, thank you!

The code of the toggle is this:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ToggleScreen : MonoBehaviour
    public void togglescreen()
        if(Screen.fullScreen == true)
            Screen.fullScreen = false;

            Screen.fullScreen = true;

The code of the F11 key is this:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class FullScreenMode : MonoBehaviour
    void Update()

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11))
            if (Screen.fullScreen == true)
                Screen.fullScreen = false;
                Screen.fullScreen = true;


And the code of the activate and deactivate is this:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ChangeValue : MonoBehaviour
    private Toggle onOffSwitch;

    private void Awake()
        onOffSwitch = GetComponent<Toggle>();

    private void Update()
        //onOffSwitch.isOn = Screen.fullScreen;
        if(Screen.fullScreen == true)
            onOffSwitch.isOn = true;
            onOffSwitch.isOn = false;
public class Toggler

bool state = false;

public void ToggleState()

    state = !state; // This sets a Boolean value to the opposite of itself

    if (state)

        // State was just toggled on


        // State was just toggled off




You are repeating the fullScreen logic in the ToggleScreen script and the FullScreenMode script. I would combine these (and simplify them) into a ScreenManager class:

using UnityEngine;

public class ScreenManager : MonoBehaviour
    Toggle onOffSwitch;

    void Start()
        // Don't forget to attach the Toggle component to this game object
        onOffSwitch = GetComponent<Toggle>(); 

        // Subscribe to onOffSwitch's onValueChanged event handler
            // delegate method to call when onOffSwitch.onValueChanged is raised.

    public static void ToggleFullScreen(bool updateToggleUI)
        var toggledValue = !Screen.fullScreen;
        Screen.fullScreen = toggledValue;
        onOffSwitch.isOn = updateToggleUI ? toggledValue : onOffSwitch.isOn;

    void ToggleValueChanged(Toggle change)
        // The toggle was already changed via the UI, don't flip it back

Then, simply call ScreenManager.ToggleFullScreen() in the FullScreenMode script's Update() method:

using UnityEngine;

public class FullScreenMode : MonoBehaviour
    // Don't forget to drag the ScreenManager instance to this reference in the inspector
    ScreenManager _screenManager;

    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F11))
            // Change the Toggle UI since this was triggered with F11

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