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Jetpack Navigation with WebView is not working properly

I have a Fragment with ViewPager inside it, which contains 3 tabs. I have used Jetpack navigation to handle navigation. In the first tab I have a Fragment with WebView , as per native behaviour of Jetpack navigation, it recreates view every time we navigate to another fragment.

Here is the problem, it loads the URL every time when I navigate back to the WebView Fragment . That can't be handled using live data.

I have tried to cache Webview content, but it is just makes loading faster but it's not immediate.

here is my code snippet


class MyFragment : BaseViewModelFragment<MyViewModel>(), View.OnClickListener {
    override fun getContentResource(): Int = R.layout.fragment_my
    override fun buildViewModel(): MyViewModel {
        return ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory)[MyViewModel::class.java]

    override fun initLiveDataObservers() {

    override fun initViews() {

    private fun setupWebView() = with(webView) {
        settings.domStorageEnabled = true
        settings.setAppCachePath("/data/data/" + activity?.packageName + "/cache")
        settings.cacheMode = WebSettings.LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK
        webViewClient = MyWebviewClient()
        webChromeClient = MyChromeClient()

Any help would be appriated, thanks in advance!

I fixed it by adding WebView run time

class MyFragment : BaseViewModelFragment<MyViewModel>(), View.OnClickListener {

    private val myWebview by lazy {
        WebView(requireContext().applicationContext).apply {
            webViewClient = MyWebviewClient()
            webChromeClient = MyChromeClient()

    override fun getContentResource(): Int = R.layout.fragment_home

    override fun buildViewModel(): MyViewModel {
        return ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory)[MyViewModel::class.java]

    override fun initLiveDataObservers() {

    override fun initViews() {
        container.addView(myWebview, ViewGroup.LayoutParams(

    override fun onDestroyView() {
        (myWebview.parent as ViewGroup).removeView(myWebview)

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