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CKeditor5 - plugin - widget - state

I am (re)writing a plugin for CK editor 5. In version 4 i added HTML like this:

<span data-id="my-special-value" class="my-widget">My label</span>

I need the data-id value in PHP to do my stuff. But i can not figure out how to accomplish this in CKeditor 5.

CKeditor 5 works differently. It is very beautiful, but i still can`t find out how to add a widget like this with additional state (the data-id attribute).

I tried:

const viewFragment = editor.data.processor.toView(html);
const modelFragment = editor.data.toModel(viewFragment);
editor.model.insertContent( modelFragment );

My very basic conversioncode:

model.schema.register(pluginSlug, {
    isBlock: false,
    isObject: true,
    allowContentOf: '$block',
    allowWhere: [ '$block', '$text'],

// Retrieving the data from the editor.
editor.conversion.for('dataDowncast').add( downcastElementToElement( {
    model: pluginSlug,
    view: (modelItem, writer) => {
        const element = writer.createContainerElement( 'span', { class: 'widget form-element-wysiwyg', test: "test" });

        return element;
}) );

// Rendering the editor content to the user for editing.
editor.conversion.for('editingDowncast').add( downcastElementToElement( {
    model: pluginSlug,
    view: (modelItem, writer) => {
        const element = writer.createContainerElement('span', { class: 'widget form-element-wysiwyg', test: "test" });
        const widget = toWidget( element, writer, { label: 'Target Label' });

        return widget;
}) );

// Loading the data to the editor.
editor.conversion.for('upcast').add( upcastElementToElement( {
    view: {
        name: 'span',
        class: 'widget form-element-wysiwyg'
    model: pluginSlug
}) );

I really can`t find out how to manage this. This code tries to add: <span data-id="my-special-value" class="my-widget">My label</span> but now it still adds: <span class="my-widget">My label</span>

As you will see, it actually adds: <span class="my-widget" test="test">My label</span> because of the dataDowncast code, but how to get my state from the insertContent code part?

A couple of quick advices:

  1. This is incorrect: allowWhere: [ '$block', '$text'] . You can't have a single element behaving like a block and like a text. You need to choose one – it's either inline or block.
  2. Seeing that you use <span> I guess "inline" is a better choice. In CKEditor 5 v12.0.0 (released a couple of days ago) we introduced support for inline widgets. Check out the implementing inline widget guide which covers a couple of things that you will need to know – especially the schema.
  3. In the upcast converter you have view.class . This is incorrect – there's only view.classes . Plus, if you want to match against multiple classes you need to use an array. See https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/api/module_engine_conversion_upcasthelpers-UpcastHelpers.html#function-elementToElement and https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/api/module_engine_view_matcher-MatcherPattern.html
  4. In CKEditor v12.0.0 the downcastElementToElement() and upcastElementToElement() methods were moved to a different place in the document. Read more in the migration guide .

Finally, the solution to how to upcast data-id and store in the model is that the upcast converter needs to set it on the model element. Check out this example from UpcastHelpers#elementToElement() :

editor.conversion.for( 'upcast' ).elementToElement( {
    view: {
        name: 'p',
        classes: 'heading'
    model: ( viewElement, modelWriter ) => {
        return modelWriter.createElement( 'heading', { level: viewElement.getAttribute( 'data-level' ) } );
} );

As you can see, the model part can be a callback returning a model element. It has access to the view element so you can read the attributes you need.

You can also do the same thing using UpcastHelpers#elementToElement() and then UpcastHelpers#attributeToAttribute() separately.

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