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Writing in a Word Document Header Using Excel VBA

I'm creating a button in an excel sheet that generates a report in Word. So far, so good except I'm trying to have a header in the document that looks like this: 在此处输入图片说明

but it ends up just looking like this: 在此处输入图片说明

where it just comes up as this weird extra window at the bottom of my document and it says page 3, when there is only two pages of the document (or there only should be two pages) my code is:


  With Wordapp
   .Selection.TypeText Text:="CFD Analysis of Antenna EPA "
   .Selection.MoveRight Count:=1
   .Selection.TypeText Text:=today
   .Selection.MoveRight Count:=1
   .Selection.TypeText Text:=antennamanu & " " & modnum
  End With

The behavior shown in the screen shot of the question is due to use the Select method. This separate Header pane, in the Draft view, comes from the days of Word 2.0, where WYSIWYG wasn't available for headers, footers, comments and similar things.

Instead of using Select , working directly with Range objects will avoid the problem. The code in the question can be altered along these lines:

  Dim rngHeader as Word.Range 'or Object if this is late-binding
  With Wordapp
   Set rngHeader = .ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Header").Range
   rngHeader.Text ="CFD Analysis of Antenna EPA " & vbTab & _
                    today & vbCr & antennamanu & " " & modnum
  End With

In the original code, the document apparently has a TAB and a Paragraph character. So Selection.MoveRight is moving to the tab stop, and then to the next paragraph. The above code writes those as it goes, so these characters should be removed from the report template being used.

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