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Angular test HostListener

In Angular I have to test the following code:

@HostListener('document:click', ['$event'])
public onDocumentClick(event: MouseEvent): void {
    const targetElement = event.target as HTMLElement;
    if (targetElement.classList.contains('mybtn')) {
     this.prop = 'ok';

The following test fails:

    it('Should succeed', () => {
        const spyDocumentClick = spyOn(component, 'onDocumentClick').and.callThrough();
        component.prop = '';


        const btn = debugElement.query(By.css('.mybtn'));
        expect(btn).not.toEqual(null); // ok

        btn.nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));

        expect(spyDocumentClick).toHaveBeenCalled(); // fail
        expect(component.prop).toBe('ok'); //fail

I also tried to create dummy html element and change target of new MouseEvent

Appreciate for help

Well, it works with the following code:

    it('Should succeed', () => {
        const spyDocumentClick = spyOn(component, 'onDocumentClick').and.callThrough();
        component.prop = '';


        const btn = debugElement.query(By.css('.mybtn'));
        expect(btn).not.toEqual(null); // ok

        const event = new MouseEvent('click',
                view: window,
                bubbles: true,
                cancelable: true,
                relatedTarget: document


        expect(spyDocumentClick).toHaveBeenCalled(); // ok
        expect(component.prop).toBe('ok'); //ok

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