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Avoid circular reference in Excel

I would like to calculate price including risks. The problem is that I would like to avoid circular reference. Is there any way to avoid enabling "iterative calculation"?

Basically I need to calculate Price in B9 and it is =(B1+B4)/(1-B7)

where B4 is =B9*B2


Result with iterative calculation" enabled:


No matter the economical method you're using to calculate the risk (I'm not an economist), without the help of the Solver or VBA , the only way to do this is constructing an iterations table. The more expanded the table is, the more exact the solution will be...


Just place:

On cell D5 : =($A2+D4)/(1-$A6)

On cell E4 : =$A4*D5

and drag the formulas to the end of the table (horizontally).

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