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Add Helm Hub as a remote repository on Artifactory

I have been serving Helm Stable as a remote repository in Artifactory for a few months now with no issue, however one of the charts I use has recently moved on to Helm hub. Try as I may, I cannot seem to get Artifactory to recognise this as a remote repo.I have tried adding both https://hub.helm.sh/ and https://charts.jetstack.io (The chart in question is Jetstack's cert-manager) to no avail. It just shows up as empty in Artifactory.

Does anyone have any experience getting Artifactory remote repos working with Helm Hub?

You need to add jetstack repo with below command.

helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io

if this helm repo is already added, we can update with

helm update

then if you run helm search jetstack you'll find your chart as below:

jetstack/cert-manager   v0.7.0          v0.7.0      A Helm chart for cert-manager
jetstack/tor-proxy      0.1.1                       A Helm chart for Kubernetes


  • For successful deployment, you should install CRDs before helm install
kubectl apply \
   -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jetstack/cert-manager/release-0.7/deploy/manifests/00-crds.yaml
  • If you're installing helm chart in some XX namespace which is already existed, you should label this XX namespace with certmanager.k8s.io/disable-validation="true"
kubectl label namespace XX certmanager.k8s.io/disable-validation="true"


to install run below command helm install --name my-release --namespace XX jetstack/cert-manager

In Artifactory, to create a remote Helm repository for https://charts.jetstack.io content, "Bypass HEAD Requests" in the advanced settings must be enabled. This is because Artifactory first makes a HEAD request for /index.yaml, to which charts.jetstack.io responds with a 404:

$ curl -siXHEAD https://charts.jetstack.io/index.yaml
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx/1.15.6

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