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Compare two regression models in R

age25=subset(juul,juul[,"age"]>25.00)## create a subset of age greater than 25

I tried to compare the modelgf and modelgf2 models using anova(m1,m2) . However, I get a warning message:

In anova.lmlist(object, ...) :
  models with response ‘"age20[, \"igf1\"]"’ removed because response differs from model 1

Are there any other ways to compare these two models?

Here you go:

# Dummy for Age>25
juul[,"ageCat25"] <- juul[,"ageCat"] > 25.00
# Collinear dummy for Age<20
juul[,"ageCat20"] <- ifelse(!juul[,"ageCat25"] & juul[,"age"]<20.00, TRUE, juul[,"ageCat25"])
m1 <- lm(foo ~ ageCat25, juul)
m2 <- lm(foo ~ ageCat20, juul)

Interpretation left to the OP.

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