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How to add (Download on The App Store) Button in NopCommerce?

I'm trying to add (Download on The App Store) buttons (for both the app store and google play) in my nopcommerce website footer.

Any idea on how I can get it done?

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I'm not sure if any plugin is available for your requirement. But I can give you a reference to modify your code.

Go to: Presentation > Nop.Web > Views > Shared > Components > Footer > Default.cshtml

After the div <div class="footer-block follow-us"> add your code:

<div class="footer-block information">
    <div class="social">
        <div class="title">
            <strong>Download it from</strong>
        <img src="https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en_badge_web_generic.png" width="140" height="auto" />

It will display as below, also you can add for app store.


Perhaps, you can create a separate partial view and use here; that'd be the best practice instead displayed here.

Also, I'm not good in css, so didn't make much effort.

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