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k8s/python: How do I read a secret using the Kubernetes Python client?

I want to do the opposite of this question:

How to create secrets using Kubernetes Python client?


How do I read an existing secret from a kubernetes cluster via the kubernetes-python API?

The use case is: I want to authenticate to mongodb (running in my cluster) from a jupyter notebook (also running in my cluster) without, for obvious reasons, saving the mongodb auth password inside the jupyter notebook.


  1. Install Kubernetes client for python
  2. Now you can pull the secret. For example secret name - mysql-pass , namespace - default
from kubernetes import client, config
v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
secret = v1.read_namespaced_secret("mysql-pass", "default")
  1. If you need to extract decoded password from the secret
from kubernetes import client, config
import base64
import sys    
v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
sec = str(v1.read_namespaced_secret("mysql-pass", "default").data)
pas = base64.b64decode(sec.strip().split()[1].translate(None, '}\''))

Hope this will help.

If you use kubernetes client api it will give you response as a dict datatype and you might not need to do spiting etc, You can say something like this,

from kubernetes import client, config
import base64
v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
sec = v1.read_namespaced_secret("default-token-rsbq7", "default").data
cert = base64.b64decode(sec["ca.crt"])

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