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How to put breakpoint to a go method with gdb or delve

I want to debug a go code. I want to put breakpoint on a method (belonging to a named type) in a imported package. I went through a lot of online materials where they only put breakpoints on a line number in file (eg: breakpoint a.go:15 ).

I have done a lot of debugging in 'C' where I put breakpoints on functions. Is this kind of debugging possible in go??

I have the following code in my main package.

clientContext := sdk.Context(fabsdk.WithUser("Admin"), fabsdk.WithOrg("ordererorg")) .

I want to put breakpoints to

1) function WithUser() which belongs to package fabsdk in file github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go/pkg/fabsdk/context.go .
2) method Context() belonging to type FabricSDK in file github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go/pkg/fabsdk/fabsdk.go in package fabsdk .

Is it possible to put breakpoints to method WithUser() and context() or Isbreakpoints only allowed at a line number in a file?? I could use either gdb or delve or any other debugger as well.

如果您有用于构建 Go 二进制文件的github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-go/pkg/fabsdk/context.go版本 - 例如,在您的srcvendor目录中 - 那么只需打开该文件,找到WithUser函数,并在它的第一行放置一个断点。

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