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jquery datatables: how to shift columns mappings (because of inserted “row header column”)?

I have added "row header column" to my table (rendered by datatables jquery plugin):



<table id="main-table" class="table table-hover table-striped mainTable w-100">
            <th class="addNewHeader no-sort not-colvis">
                <a class="btn-sm" href="..." ><span class="material-icons">note_add</span></a>
            <!-- other columns -->

Data is accessed by ajax (send as an array, not as associative array).

The problem is that now I should re-arrange mappings for each column:

table = $('#main-table').DataTable({
    ajax: {"url": "..."},
    columnDefs: [
          targets: 1,
          render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
             return row[0]; // table column 1, data column 0
            targets: 2,
            render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
               return row[1];  // table column 2, data column 1
            targets: 3,
            render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
               return row[2];  // table column 3, data column 2
      // and so on

It is too verbose.

Is it possible to configure the same (map data column X to table column X+1 ) in one line? Just to say: "please, shift columns" or "please, remove first row-header-column form mappings".

Use columns and columns.data to specify array index for the data source. In this case, you would need to provide options for every column, including first one.

For example:

table = $('#main-table').DataTable({
    ajax: {"url": "..."},
    columns: [
          data: null
          render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
             // ... skipped ...
     { data: 1 },
     { data: 2 },
     { data: 3 },
     // ... skipped ...

Alternatively, you could use combination of columnDefs.data and columnDefs.targets , but that is slightly more verbose.

So far the dynamic "default" configuration is the best found option:

dataColumnCount = 15;
tableColumnCount = dataColumnCount + 1;
 dtOptions.columns = new Array(tableColumnCount );
 // default:
 for (i = 0; i < tableColumnCount; i++) {
     dtOptions.columns[i] = { targets: i, data: i - 1};
 // replace where it is required with custom renderer:
 dtOptions.columns[0] = {
     render: function (data, type, row, meta) { ..} }
 dtOptions.columns[3] = {
     render: function (data, type, row, meta) { .. row[2]... } }

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