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Errors running sqlite through adb shell

Running from the command-line on a Windows 10 PC, and I'm having a problem with quotation marks:

  • adb shell su -c "sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.chrome/app_chrome/Default/Cookies 'select count(*) from cookies;'"
    • sush: syntax error: '(' unexpected
  • adb shell su -c sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.chrome/app_chrome/Default/Cookies 'select count(*) from cookies;'
    • sush: syntax error: '(' unexpected
  • adb shell su -c sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.chrome/app_chrome/Default/Cookies "select count(*) from cookies;"
    • /system/bin/sh: syntax error: '(' unexpected
  • I tried a query which didn't contain parens, but that wouldn't run either:
    • adb shell su -c "sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.chrome/app_chrome/Default/Cookies 'select * from cookies;'"
      • Error: near "select": syntax error
  • I can run other sqlite3 commands from the adb shell
    • adb shell su -c "sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.chrome/app_chrome/Default/Cookies .schema"
      • that works with or without quotation marks.

And going into ADB shell works:

>adb shell
/ $ su
/ # sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.chrome/app_chrome/Default/Cookies 'select count(*) from cookies;'

I simply want to get the results of a query from the command-line.
What am I missing?

Try this:

adb shell su -c sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.chrome/app_chrome/Default/Cookies "\"select count(*) from cookies;\""


query="\"select count(*) from cookies;\""
adb shell su -c sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.chrome/app_chrome/Default/Cookies "$query"

I guess the problem is with the double quotes. I am still not quite sure why those double quotes are needed within the query, but this is most certainly to work.

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