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How to use prop inside another prop as default value in vuejs

I am using this package from git hub for minus plus input for vuejs and in v2 folder example there is a sample file named plusminusfield.vue and this is what I used for using it :

 export default {
    props: {

        value: {
            default: 0,
            type: Number
       base_capacity: {
            type: Number,
            required: true
        min: {
             default: here I want to use the sent variable which is defined above and that is base_capacity 
 if I send a hard code like 5 it works well but I want to make it dynamic
        max: {
            default: 22,
            type: Number
        return {

            newValue: this.base_capacity,

and here is the methods for minus plus the numbers of input and controlling the max and min values :

        getNotificationClass (notification) {
            return `alert alert-${notification.type}`
        mpminus: function () {
            if ((this.newValue) > this.min) {
                this.newValue = this.newValue - 1
                this.$emit('input', this.newValue)

        mpplus: function () {
            if (this.max === undefined || (this.newValue < this.max)) {
                this.newValue = this.newValue + 1
                this.$emit('input', this.newValue)

 watch: {
        value: {
            handler: function (newVal, oldVal) {
                this.newValue = newVal

so if I define it any where else and I use it in props I get the mutant error which the parent component change it and my app wont run and if I use the computed like below I comment the error in front of them :

computed: {
           min() {
             return this.min ? this.min : this.base_capacity //Maximum call stack size exceeded
        min : this.base_capacity // the error is base_capacity not defined

so is there any way that I pass the min for that input from the

While the accepted answer will work for Vue 2.x, in Vue 3.x prop default factory functions no longer have access to this . Instead you can pass the component's props as an argument to the factory function:

props: {
  baseCapacity: {
    default: 0,
    type: Number
  min: {
    default: (props) => props.baseCapacity,
    type: Number

See the migration guide: https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/migration/props-default-this.html

Instead of using it directly, use a factory function and return the value.

moreover, HTML attributes are case-sensitive.

Example: If you set the attribute as: base-capacity , Vue will automatically convert it into the camel-case as baseCapacity to access it from the script.

Here is the official docs

 Vue.component('plus-minus', { template: '#vplusminus', props: { value: { default: 0, type: Number }, baseCapacity: { default: 0, type: Number }, min: { default: function () { return this.baseCapacity }, type: Number }, max: { default: undefined, type: Number } }, data() { return { newValue: 0 } }, methods: { getNotificationClass(notification) { return `alert alert-${notification.type}` }, mpplus: function() { if (this.max === undefined || (this.newValue < this.max)) { this.newValue = this.newValue + 1 this.$emit('input', this.newValue) } }, mpminus: function() { console.log(this.min); // Here it is coming as 12 if ((this.newValue) > this.min) { this.newValue = this.newValue - 1 this.$emit('input', this.newValue) } } }, watch: { value: { handler: function(newVal, oldVal) { this.newValue = newVal } } }, created: function() { this.newValue = this.value } }); new Vue({ el: '#app' });
 .minusplusnumber { border: 1px solid silver; border-radius: 5px; background-color: #FFF; margin: 0 5px 0 5px; display: inline-block; user-select: none; } .minusplusnumber div { display: inline-block; } .minusplusnumber #field_container input { width: 50px; text-align: center; font-size: 15px; padding: 3px; border: none; } .minusplusnumber .mpbtn { padding: 3px 10px 3px 10px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 5px; } .minusplusnumber .mpbtn:hover { background-color: #DDD; } .minusplusnumber .mpbtn:active { background-color: #c5c5c5; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script> <div id="app"> <plus-minus :base-capacity="12" :value="16"></plus-minus> <plus-minus></plus-minus> </div> <script type="template/text" id="vplusminus"> <div class="minusplusnumber"> <div class="mpbtn minus" v-on:click="mpminus()"> - </div> <div id="field_container"> <input type="number" v-model="newValue" disabled /> </div> <div class="mpbtn plus" v-on:click="mpplus()"> + </div> </div> </script>

You shouldn't use another prop as the default value. Even if they are available you have no guarantee regarding the order in which the props are evaluated.

A better approach is to use a computed property that takes into account both props and use that one inside your component.

computed: {
   minComputed () {
     return this.min ? this.min : this.base_capacity

Also, remove the default value from the definition of min

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