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How to run mocha tests with reporter?

When I run npm test it outputs:

 mocha ./tests/ --recursive --reporter mocha-junit-reporter

And all tests run well. But when I try to invoke mocha ./tests/flickr/mytest --reporter junit-reporter I got:

 Unknown "reporter": junit-reporter

How to pass it correctly?

From mocha-junit-reporter 's readme :

# install the package
npm install mocha-junit-reporter --save-dev

# run the test with reporter
mocha test --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --reporter-options mochaFile=./path_to_your/file.xml

I spotted two issues in your command:

mocha ./tests/flickr/mytest --reporter junit-reporter

First issue is mocha in above is a mocha command from global node module. However, when executing npm test , it actually targets local mocha command inside our node_modules folder.

Second issue is the name of reporter should be mocha-junit-reporter not junit-reporter


Workaround is to target local mocha

./node_modules/.bin/mocha ./tests/flickr/mytest --reporter mocha-junit-reporter

This is preferrable solution.

Alternative solution is to install mocha-junit-reporter for global node modules as below:

npm install -g mocha-junit-reporter
mocha ./tests/flickr/mytest --reporter mocha-junit-reporter

This is not too preferrable because you can target different version of mocha and mocha-junit-reporter in global compare to the one in local node modules.


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