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How to implement functional unit testing sinon with mocks in NodeJs?

How to implement sinon.mock on follwing function.

function getDashboard(req,res){ res.send("success"); }

describe("GetDashboard test"){
    it("Response Should be test", function(){
        const getDashboard = sinon.stub().returns('success');
        let req = {}     
        let res = {
        send: function(){};
        const mock = sinon.mock(res);     

Also how to stubbing data in function.Is it correct way of mocking.

Here is a working example:

const sinon = require('sinon');

function getDashboard(req, res) { res.send('success'); }

describe("getDashboard", function () {
  it("should respond with 'success'", function () {
    const req = {};
    const res = { send: sinon.stub() };
    getDashboard(req, res);
    sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(res.send, 'success');  // Success!


getDashboard calls the send function of the res object that it is given, so you just need to create a mock object with a sinon stub for the send property and verify that it was called as expected.

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