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opencart 3 how to Custom variable in twig page

i want to show custom text come from a variable in language template.

so i declared a variable in:


$_['text_label_menu_count']  = 'Some count';

and then try to print that variable in


<h4 class="text-white"> {{ text_label_menu_count }} </h4>

but nothing happens.

Can you explain me how to achieve this? Thanks a lot

... I found a lot of twig similarities with angulajs.

If you need to print some text from language file to TWIG


<h4 class="text-white"> {{ text_label_menu_count }} </h4>

Your language file should be placed to the corresponding folder... in this case to:


$_['text_label_menu_count']  = 'Some count';

First thing is wrong. You cannot asign language variable in admin and used in catalog .

Now follow to below step:

1. Language file

asign value in language file


$_['text_label_menu_count']  = 'Some count'; 

2. Controller file

call language file in controller where you would like to use language variable



3. Twig file

Print variable in twig file


<h4 class="text-white"> {{ text_label_menu_count }} </h4>

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