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parsing go.mod: unexpected module path "golang.org/x/lint"

I have a package that I've uploaded to Github and am I am go getting the package on another server and keep getting the error:

go: github.com/golang/lint@v0.0.0-20190313153728-d0100b6bd8b3: parsing go.mod: unexpected module path "golang.org/x/lint"

I've deleted go.mod , go.sum and the vendor directory and updated all packages using

go get -u ./...

golang.org/x/lint is not in go.mod or go.sum or vendor directory yet I still get the error when trying to go get the package on my other server.

Note that, May 2021 (two years later) x/lint is fully deprecated. See issue 38968 and CL 318190 .

Your error was seen in issue 32412 (related to issue 27900 ).
And go get -u has been fixed ( CL 174099 "make get -u upgrade only modules providing packages")

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