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ValueObject for sonata admin edit form instead of entity

Curently for edit entity, we pass pure Entity class to Symfony Form for example:


class Foo 
    // private properties
    public function setFoo(?string $foo): void
        $this->foo = $foo;
    // more setters

this situation is bad because for a moment we have entity in invalid state.

Is any way to pass data form to ValueObject and after validation pass data into Entity? I don't want to have nullable every field in entity.

The same situation for getters for create new record.

We use custom model manager, that can works with dto, you can find it here https://gitlab.com/symfony-bro/sonata-things/blob/master/Admin/ModelManager/AbstractDtoManager.php Unfortunately we are using it in internaly projects, so no documentation. This is short example how to use:

use SymfonyBro\SonataThings\Admin\ModelManager\AbstractDtoManager;

class CatalogModelManager extends AbstractDtoManager
    protected function doCreate($dto)
        $result = new Catalog($dto->title, $dto->parent);

        return $result;

    protected function getModelClassName(): string
        return CatalogDto::class;

    protected function getSubjectClass(): string
        return Catalog::class;

You should define this as service (for example app_inventory.sonata_admin.catalog_model_manager ) and update admin config

        class: 'App\InventoryBundle\Admin\CatalogAdmin'
        arguments: [~, 'App\InventoryBundle\Entity\Catalog', 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD']
            - ['setModelManager', ['@app_inventory.sonata_admin.catalog_model_manager']]
            - { name: 'sonata.admin', manager_type: 'orm', group: 'Equipment', label: 'Equipment type' }

and this is dto

class CatalogDto
    public $id;
    public $title;
    public $description;
    public $parent;
    public $items;

    public function __construct()
        $this->items = [];

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function __toString()
        return (string)$this->title;

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