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Angular 7 mat-checkbox not being checked with reactive forms

I am using Angular7 mat-checkbox with reactive forms. Below is the code.

shared: FormGroup;
 constructor(private router: Router, fb: FormBuilder,private filterServices:FilterServices) {
        this.shared = fb.group({
            "byAll": false,
            "byFriends": false,
            "byPeers": false,
            "byExperts": false,
            "bySpecificFriends": false,
            "emails": []

On nginit function i am getting data from db as shown below

     response.forEach(element => {

             this.sharedEmails = [];
             this.sharedEmails = element['emails'].split(',');
             this.shared.value['byAll'] = element["byAll"]
             this.shared.value['byExperts'] = element['byExperts']
             this.shared.value['byFriends'] = element['byFriends']
             this.shared.value['byNone'] = element['byNone']
             this.shared.value['byPeers'] = element['byPeers']
             this.shared.value['bySpecificFriends'] = element['bySpecificFriends']

I am able to set the data to the properties in shared object, but checkboxes in html is not getting checked. Suppose shared['byAll'] was initially false (checkbox initially unchecked),but after getting data fro service calls now its value is true. But in html its not getting reflected i mean checkbox is not getting checked. Am i going wrong somewhere??

below is the html code.

<form [formGroup]="shared">
                        <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutGap="20px">
                            <mat-checkbox formControlName="byAll">All</mat-checkbox>



I got the solution!

We can use patchValue if we are updating only few values,else if we want to update all the values in a form group then use setValue.

patch value format


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