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Passportjs Google OAuth20 not working when deployed on digital ocean

I have set up a server on the digital ocean and deployed my react application on it. But somehow my Passportjs Google OAuth is not working, but it is working fine when I run it locally, it redirects to callback URL perfectly.

I thought the problems were of node version but I updated node on the server too but still didn't solve.Node -v is 10.15

passport.serializeUser((id, done) => {
  done(null, done)

  new GoogleStrategy({
    clientID: keys.google.clientID,
    clientSecret: keys.google.clientSecret,
    callbackURL: prod ? 'http://knowankit.com/myself-in-detail' : 'http://knowankit.com/myself-in-detail'
  }, (request, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => {
    console.log('Testing ')
    done(null, true)

The website is https://knowankit.com . Login screen - https://knowankit.com/know-me . When you click on user-lock icon it redirects to google login after login it redirects to the homepage. Any help would be really appreciated. I have been stuck on this for a month.

I was able to solve this. This was my mistake as in the Google OAuth the localhost:3000 was added as trusted URL but when it is deployed then deployed URL also needs to be added as trusted URL

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