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Change Wordpress Uploads Folder To Root

I have my Wordpress installed on (for ex.) mysite.com/core/

And I need to change the uploads folder to host all the files on my upper folder, meaning mysite.com/.

I've already tried to add to the wp-config.php file, the following: define( 'UPLOADS', ''.'' ); (didn't work) ..... define( 'UPLOADS', '/..'.'' ); (didn't work) ..... define( 'UPLOADS', ''.'/..' ); (didn't work) ..... define( 'UPLOADS', '../'.'' ); (didn't work) ..... define( 'UPLOADS', ''.'../' ); (didn't work)

Even with the " DIR " did not work.

All I get it's all sort of wrong urls, with multiple slashes (/), and not going upper than my "core" folder...

Any thoughts on this?

According to https://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Moving_uploads_folder :

It is always relative to ABSPATH, therefore does not require a leading slash.

In testing on my local install, this works:


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