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Enabling asp.net txtbox from button OnClientClick js function

I want to enable a textBox and make it Visible (default settings are false for both) on button click. I can postback but it's inefficient so I want my button to activate onClientClick just to activate and make it Visible.

I tried this:

function EnableTxt() {
       document.getElementById( '<%=txtSearch.ClientID%>' ).disabled = 'false';
<asp:ImageButton ID="btnSearch2" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/search.png" Height="27px" Width="30px" ImageAlign="AbsBottom" OnClientClick="EnableTxt()"/>

<asp:TextBox ID="txtSearch" runat="server" CssClass="btnSearchStyle" Height="27px" Width="134px" onkeypress="return EnterEvent(event)" BackColor="#BDC3C7" BorderStyle="None" Visible="true" Enabled="false"></asp:TextBox>

The JS function that I found doesn't do anything...

Change your code to-

<asp:ImageButton ID="btnSearch2" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/search.png" Height="27px" Width="30px" ImageAlign="AbsBottom" OnClientClick="if(!EnableTxt()){return false};"/>
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtSearch" runat="server" CssClass="btnSearchStyle" Height="27px" Width="134px" onkeypress="return EnterEvent(event)"  BorderStyle="None" style="visibility:hidden" BackColor="#BDC3C7" Enabled="false"></asp:TextBox>

And change JS as-

 function EnableTxt()
 var id = document.getElementById('<%=txtSearch.ClientID%>');
    if (id.style.visibility === "hidden" && id.getAttribute('disabled'))
         id.style.visibility = "visible";
    else {
         id.style.visibility = "hidden";



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