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How to know all Bazel targets affected by a git commit?

A git commit may change some workspace rules , some source files, .bazelrc, etc. How to get all Bazel targets affected, thus need to rebuild and test, after such change?

In Buck, we can run buck targets --show-rulekey //... to see all rule key changes between two Git revisions. Is there any equivalent command in Bazel?

我没有答案,但是这个 bazel-discuss 线程可能会有所帮助: https ://groups.google.com/d/msg/bazel-discuss/I9udqWIcEdI/iczVgWLOBQAJ“选择要在 CI 中运行的 bazel 目标 - 可能的方法”

See here: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/scripts/ci/ci.sh

# Under Apache 2.0 licence
COMMIT_RANGE=${COMMIT_RANGE:-$(git merge-base origin/master HEAD)".."}

# Go to the root of the repo
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"

# Get a list of the current files in package form by querying Bazel.
for file in $(git diff --name-only ${COMMIT_RANGE} ); do
  files+=($(bazel query $file))
  echo $(bazel query $file)

# Query for the associated buildables
buildables=$(bazel query \
    --keep_going \
    --noshow_progress \
    "kind(.*_binary, rdeps(//..., set(${files[*]})))")
# Run the tests if there were results
if [[ ! -z $buildables ]]; then
  echo "Building binaries"
  bazel build $buildables

tests=$(bazel query \
    --keep_going \
    --noshow_progress \
    "kind(test, rdeps(//..., set(${files[*]}))) except attr('tags', 'manual', //...)")
# Run the tests if there were results
if [[ ! -z $tests ]]; then
  echo "Running tests"
  bazel test $tests

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