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How to access Tuples of a List in a Map in Scala?

I have a map of format

scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,List[(Int, Int, Int)]]

and I want to be able to access the individual Int's. The format of the data to go in the Map will always be


Where the date is the key of the Map and each set of three numbers is the (Int, Int, Int)

So far, I have been able to print the Map in this format

List((1,10,5), (2,20,10), (3,30,15), (4,40,20), (5,50,25))

Using the below code

map.keys.foreach{i =>

I would like to be able to access the individual values in the tuples. For example, I would like to be able to add every 2nd and 3rd value of each tuple together

to get

How do I do this?

You can use pattern matching to access elements of the tuple.

val dateMap :Map[String,List[(Int, Int, Int)]] =
  Map("Mon-18-June-2018" ->
    List((1,10,5), (2,20,10), (3,30,15), (4,40,20), (5,50,25)))

dateMap.values.map(_.fold((1,0,0)){case ((a,b,c),(x,y,z)) => (a+1,b+y,c+z)})
//res0: Iterable[(Int, Int, Int)] = List((6,150,75))

The easiest way is:

val yourMap : Map[String,List[(Int, Int, Int)]] = Map("Mon-18-June-2018" -> List((1,10,5), (2,20,10), (3,30,15), (4,40,20), (5,50,25)))
yourMap.map(x=> (x._2.length+1,x._2.map(_._2).sum,x._2.map(_._3).sum))

you can find more forms here: Scala: How to sum a list of tuples

To get each individual value in a List, you could .map inside it.

To get each element of a Tuple, use tuple._1 , tuple._2 , tuple._3 , and so on.

In your case, to add all of the values of the Tuples together you can do something like this:

val m = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,List[(Int, Int, Int)]](
  "Mon-18-June-2018" -> List((1, 10, 5), (2, 20, 10), (3, 30, 15), (4, 40, 20), (5, 50, 25))

m.map {
  // get keys and values
  case (k, v) =>
    // construct a Tuple of all of the sums
    (v.map(_._1).sum, v.map(_._2).sum, v.map(_._3).sum)
// ArrayBuffer((15,150,75))

This will create a List of Tuples ( (Int, Int, Int) ), where each Tuple corresponds to a key in the original Map. You could even keep the original Map's keys by doing something like this:

  // get keys and values
  case (k, v) =>
    // "x -> y" creates a Tuple, or in this case a Map
    k -> (v.map(_._1).sum, v.map(_._2).sum, v.map(_._3).sum)
// Map(Mon-18-June-2018 -> (15,150,75))

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