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How to make a post request with async fetch in mvc and JavaScript?

Im trying to fetch subcategories from my mvc application with reference to the category id with async fetch

I already fetched the categories and its all working

but when i try to fetch the subcategories with a post request it doesn't work!


            const categoriesLiList = document.querySelectorAll('.btn');

            const getSubCategories = async () => {

                const liBtnClick = list => {
                    nodeListForEach(list, cur => {
                        cur.addEventListener('click', () => {
                            let categoryId = cur.value;

                            const getSubCategoriesById = async (url = ``, data = {}) => {
                                const subsResult = await fetch(url, {
                                    method: "POST",
                                    mode: "cors",
                                    cache: "no-cache",
                                    credentials: "same-origin",
                                    headers: {
                                        "Content-Type": "application/json"
                                    redirect: "follow",
                                    referrer: "no-referrer",
                                    body: JSON.stringify(data)

                                const subsData = await subsResult.json();

                                const populateSubCategories = arr => {
                                    arr.forEach(cur => {
                                        const subCategoriesLi = `

                                        document.querySelector('#subcategories').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', subCategoriesLi);



                            getSubCategoriesById(`/controllername/jsonresult/ID`, { ID: categoryId });




The result should be the data from the api but its not reading the ID param. what should i change in my post request??

EDIT: I am such an idiot lol my api wasn't working correctly, so for future purposes always test your apis with postman :)

also, there's no need for a post request! just a normal fetch get reques:

await fetch(`/controllerName/JsonResult/${categoryId}`);

I am such an idiot lol my api wasn't working correctly, so for future purposes always test your apis with postman :)

also, there's no need for a post request! just a normal fetch get reques:

await fetch(`/controllerName/JsonResult/${categoryId}`);

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