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Is there any CodeLens add-on available that shows the git history of the given method?

The latest version of VS 2019 Community came out with CodeLens enabled. Is there any CodeLens add-on available for VS 2019 Community showing the git history of the given method, like this excellent one for Visual Studio Code : https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens ?

When I click on the history link of code lens in Enterprise:


I see a history listing. I have not added any extensions to get this. (Do ensure "Show Authors & Changes (Git)" is enabled in Options | Text Editor | All Languages | Code Lens.)

Previously when Code Lens was added to Professional it was added with full functionality, I have assumed the same applies to Community.


It turns out that Community Edition has a reduced code lens:

The source control CodeLens indicators are not available in Visual Studio Community edition.

From https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/visualstudio/ide/find-code-changes-and-other-history-with-codelens?view=vs-2019 .

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